Dental Implants

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Dental Implants

Dental implants are the most effective way to replace a missing tooth. Because an implant is independent of other teeth, there is no need to alter the teeth adjacent to the open space. Rather, the implant sets alongside it for functional and aesthetic purposes. Implants are strong enough to support everything from crowns and bridges to full-arch hybrid dentures and overdentures. Dr. Francis Dolan provides a wide array of implant and full-arch implant systems at our Warminster dental office. 

What Are Dental Implants?

Dental implants are a type of prosthetic titanium tooth root that is anchored in the jaw to function the same way as natural teeth. Each synthetic “root” is extremely strong and long-lasting. Your body does not recognize titanium as a foreign material, which improves overall compatibility and allows your bone to fuse around it permanently.

Types of Dental Implants

Depending on the number of missing teeth you want to replace, our more popular Warminster dental implant options include:

Single-Tooth Implants

When you only need to replace one or two teeth, Dr. Dolan will recommend a single implant and matching porcelain crown. It's the next best thing to having a natural tooth again.

All-on-4 or Overdenture

To replace all of your teeth at once, you can request an implant-retained prosthesis or a fixed All-on-4 appliance. Depending on the type you select, your restoration may be permanently anchored in place or removable. Dr. Dolan can place your implants right here in our office, expediting your smile reconstruction journey.

Fixed Implant Bridges

Perhaps you need to replace several missing teeth in a row. Before, you would have worn a removable partial denture. Today, we can use two or three implants to support a permanent bridge without sacrificing the integrity of your neighboring teeth.

Advantages of Dental Implants

Dental implants have the potential to significantly improve your quality of life by aiding in better eating and speech while also slowing bone loss. Your implants function like natural teeth and provide superior support for the prosthesis of your choice. The best part is that they can last a lifetime!

Hybridge Dental Implants

HYBRIDGE Full Arch Dental Implants

Embrace a future free from the challenges of missing or damaged teeth. Introducing Hybridge® Full Arch Dental Implants—a remarkable, permanent, and aesthetically pleasing solution that liberates you from the constraints of dentures. Experience a life-changing smile transformation by scheduling your complimentary consultation with Dr. Dolan. Say goodbye to compromises and hello to a confident, worry-free smile!

Get More Information

Are Hybridge Dental Implants right for me?

If you're facing the challenges of missing or compromised teeth, Hybridge Dental Implants offer an efficient solution. With just 5 or 6 dental implants, Hybridge can restore up to 12 teeth on the upper jaw, lower jaw, or both, effectively restoring your smile.

Dr. Dolan, a certified Hybridge doctor, is dedicated to helping his patients achieve remarkable smile transformations in significantly less time and with fewer appointments compared to traditional dental methods. Throughout the process, patients are never left without teeth, ensuring both functionality and confidence.

Explore our collection of informative videos, compelling testimonials, and additional resources below to learn more about the transformative power of Hybridge Dental Implants.

If you're ready to take the next step and discover how Hybridge Dental Implants can improve your life, we invite you to schedule a complimentary consultation. Click the button below for more information.

Hybridge Testimonials 

Ready to Get Started?

To learn more about your permanent dental implant options, schedule a consultation with Dr. Dolan at our Warminster office.

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